Hi, I am a first-year Ph.D. student at Multimedia Laboratory (MMLAB), The Chinese University of Hong Kong, supervised by Prof. Dahua Lin. Prior to that, I received my Bachelor’s degree in the EE Department at NJU. My research interests focus on deep generative models for visual content creation. Feel free to contact me if you are interested in my work. :)



  • 2023.08 - Present  Ph.D. in Information Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • 2019.09 - 2023.06  B.Sc. in Electronic Engineering, Nanjing University

Selected Researches

*:equal contribution; †: corresponding author

ECCV 2024

SparseCtrl: Adding Sparse Controls to Text-to-Video Diffusion Models

Yuwei Guo, Ceyuan Yang, Anyi Rao, Maneesh Agrawala, Dahua Lin, Bo Dai

[Paper]  [Project]  [Code]

ICLR 2024 (spotlight)

AnimateDiff: Animate Your Personalized Text-to-Image Models without Specific Tuning

Yuwei Guo, Ceyuan Yang, Anyi Rao, Zhengyang Liang, Yaohui Wang, Yu Qiao, Maneesh Agrawala, Dahua Lin, Bo Dai

[Paper]  [Project]  [Code (9.6k stars)]


Dynamic Storyboard Generation in an Engine-based Virtual Environment for Video Production

Anyi Rao*, Xuekun Jiang*, Yuwei Guo, Linning Xu, Lei Yang, Libiao Jin, Dahua Lin, Bo Dai

[Paper]  [Project]

Selected Awards

  • 2023.04  Hong Kong PhD Fellowship
  • 2023.04  CUHK Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship
  • 2020.10  China National Scholarship


  • 2023.11  Invited talk at Kunlun 2050 Research.


  • Reviewer: SIGGRAPH 2024, ACM MM 2024, SIGGRAPH Asia 2024, NeurIPS 2024


  • IERG4998  Final Year Project, Fall 2023
  • IERG4998  Final Year Project, Spring 2024